In the Patients and Populations session we will focus on the clinical and translational research. You will learn about the neuropathology and the prion infections, as well as the computer-assisted medical interventions. You will also have a chance to discuss the genetic factors and their interaction with the environment at the population level.
Join us in the exploration of how basic science, pre-clinical and clinical research work in synergy in order to improve the life of a patient.

Thomas Kirchner
M.Sc. Thomas Kirchner, CAMI DKFZ, Heidelberg DKFZ, Germany
Translational multispectral and photoacoustic imaging
Date: June 7th
Slot: 14:20 – 14:50
Leture Hall DKFZ Communication Center
About the speaker
Section under construction. Updates on the speaker will follow soon!

Prof. Aguzzi
Prof. Dr. med. Adriano Aguzzi, Institute of Neuropathology University Hospital Zurich, Zürich, Switzerland
Biology of mammalian prions
Date: June 7th
Slot: 13:40 – 14:20
Leture Hall DKFZ Communication Center
About the speaker
Adriano Aguzzi is professor and director of the Institute of Neuropathology at the University of Zurich. He has devoted the past 25 years to studying the immunological and molecular basis of prion pathogenesis, combining transgenetics with molecular and immunological techniques to clarify the pathogenesis of the disease, and to identify cells and molecules involved in prion neuroinvasion. He is the Founder and Director of the Swiss National Reference Center for Prion Diseases and has developed diagnostic and therapeutic methods in the field of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies. He serves on the editorial board of Science and is the Editor in Chief of the Swiss Medical Weekly; he also serves on the scientific advisory board of philanthropic foundations and biomedical companies. Among other honors, Prof. Aguzzi has won Ernst-Jung Prize, the Robert Koch Prize, and the medal of the European Molecular Biology Organization, and has held two ERC Advanced Grants.

Dr. Smith
Dr. M.P.H Jennifer A. Smith, University of Michigan, Michigan, USA
Social Epigenomics: A New Frontier for Investigating Cardiovascular and Neurocognitive Health Disparities
Date: June 7th
Slot: 15:20 – 15:50
Leture Hall DKFZ Communication Center
About the speaker
Dr. Smith is an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan, with appointments in the Epidemiology Department, School of Public Health and the Survey Research Center, Institute of Social Research. She is affiliated with the Center for Social Epidemiology and Population Health (CSEPH), Michigan Center on the Demography of Aging (MiCDA), the Center for Midlife Science, and the Population, Neurodevelopment and Genetics (PNG) Program. Her work focuses on the ways that genomic, epigenomic, and transcriptomic factors influence age-related chronic diseases, sub-clinical markers of disease, and their risk factors. Her work encompasses a broad range of traits including cardiovascular disease, hypertension, subclinical markers of dementia, cognition, chronic kidney disease, obesity, and health behaviors. She is particularly interested in the interaction between genetic and non-genetic determinants of health (such as demographic, social, psychosocial, and neighborhood factors) in shaping disease risk.